Friday, January 2, 2009

this is the year we run away and follow our hearts.


Fashion Serial Killer said...

I'd have to find a way so it wont mow me down so bad.. maybe i'll drink a bottle of Jack Daniels and pray. he he j.k. I like your blog. Did you take this pic of the landscape? SO awesome

the golden state of things said...

ha.. thanks. i like your blog, too. makes me really want to go move to the desert more than ever now. i think i'm going to keep up with my blog a lot more and expand a little bit on my content (i was reminded/inspired by your oz post for the one i made yesterday). i didn't take the landscape photo, but hopefully soon i'll be taking a lot like that. i'm a photography buff and just recently purchased a holga. we'll see what happens.

Pushy Maprize said...

Kim. I like your blog. I have a blog, tooooo. Now we have matching cameras (kinda) and blogs. And hearts, maybe.